Executives, developers, and quality managers meet online on building a mature Software as a Service ( SaaS) that plant engineering could use to improve manufacturing cycle times and secure merchandise purchase, sales, and accounting transactions. 高级管理层、开发人员和质量经理在线开会,讨论如何构建一个成熟的软件即服务(SaaS),供设备工程使用以改进生产周期并保证商品购买、销售和会计事务。
Line-of-business services are large custom business solutions for finance, supply-chain management, and customer relations in a pay-on-demand subscription environment ( for example, plant engineering management). 面向企业的服务是用于金融、供应链管理及客户关系等方面的、基于按需付费的大型定制商业解决方案(例如,工厂工程管理)。
It provides a complete turnkey application, such as enterprise resource management or plant engineering management, that you can access from a Web browser no matter where you are located. 它提供开箱即用的应用程序,比如企业资源管理或工厂工程管理。不管您身居何处,都可以从Web浏览器访问这个应用程序。
SaaS is not only useful for executives to access data in the pay-on-demand subscription environment. Executives can make critical decisions in finance, plant engineering, manufacturing cycle times, supply management, and human resources capital planning. 主管人员不仅可以利用SaaS在按需付费的订阅环境中访问数据,他们还可以借助它在财务、工厂工程、生产周期、供应管理和人力资源计划方面做出关键决策。
She gives three collaboration scenarios: Supply Chain Management, Plant Engineering Management, and Research Papers in Science, and covers the impact of IPv6 on mobile devices. 她提出了三种协作场景:供应链管理、设备工程管理、科学研究论文,并涉及到IPv6对移动设备的影响。
This allows the executives to get feedback in real time and make critical decisions in finance, plant engineering, manufacturing cycle times, supply, and human resources capital planning. 这允许高级管理层获得实时反馈,并在财务、设备工程、制造周期、供应和人力资源资本规划方面制定关键决策。
I give Supply Chain Management, Plant Engineering Management, and Licensing Physics Research Papers scenarios as examples of the join-to-subscribe models. 我使用供应链管理、设备工程管理和许可物理研究论文场景作为加入并订阅模型的示例。
Not only does IPv6 provide a much wider range of IP addresses, it provides better integration of PCs, particularly the online collaboration programs, such as supply chain management and plant engineering management, with mobile phones, handheld devices, and other everyday devices. IPv6不仅提供更加广泛的IP地址,而且提供更好的PC集成,尤其是使用移动电话、手持设备和其他日常设备的在线协作程序,比如供应链管理和设备工程管理。
You can build a mature SaaS that a plant engineering company could use to improve manufacturing cycle times and secure merchandise purchase, sales, and accounting transactions. 我们可以构建一个完善的SaaS,工厂工程公司可以利用它改进生产周期,以及为商品采购、销售和财务交易提供保障。
The HEA expanding agent application in Changxing island water purifying plant engineering in Dalian HEA膨胀剂在大连长兴岛净水厂工程中的应用
Safety evaluation on large-scale oil extraction plant engineering; 为国产化大型浸出油厂提高综合效益提供参考。
How to acquire the qualification of registered plant engineering consultant? 如何取得注册设备监理师资格证书?
Can't participate in any economic and technological activities concerning influencing the plant engineering consulting project. 不得参与对设备监理项目有影响的经济技术活动。
Analysis of Construction Supervision Essentials in Sewage Plant Engineering 污水处理厂建筑工程监理工作要点分析
Layer of Steel Slag Backfill Plant Engineering Geological Nature 本钢厂区钢渣回填层工程地质性质浅析
A well known German heavy machine plant engineering company has a service workshop in China with location in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Fengxiang Sub Zone. 我公司是世界著名的重型设备制造商,在中国建立了一维修工厂,位于上海化学工业区奉贤分区。
PESO ( Plant Engineering Shop Order) Group Technology Scheduling Problem with Linear Deterioration of Processing Time for Single-machine 工厂机加工车间任务单工件加工时间线性恶化的单机成组加工问题
We have become one of the famous pharmaceutical design institutes in China, and we are the committee of China Pharmaceutical Association of Plant Engineering ( CPAPE). 我院已成为国内知名的医药设计院,我院还是中国医药设备工程协会和中国医药工程设计协会的常务理事单位。
PESO ( Plant Engineering Shop Order) allowance for machining 工厂机加工车间任务单机械加工公差机械加工余量
Research on Establishment of the Military Representative's Occupational Qualification System by Drawing from the Plant Engineering Consultant's System 借鉴设备监理制度建立军事代表职业资格制度研究
Study on Drawing Lessons from Association of Plant Engineering Mode Adjustment Standard of Military Representatives 'Operational Funds 借鉴设备监理模式调整军事代表业务经费标准研究
System Analysis and Study of Plant Engineering in Enterprises 企业设备管理系统分析与研究
At present research of Eco-Protection Technology concentrate on construction craft and research on water and soil conservation mainly, neglect plant engineering mechanics behavior of root system protection research combined together with plant protection and engineering protection. 目前生态防护技术研究主要集中在对施工工艺以及水土保持学的研究,忽略了坡面植物根系的工程力学效应及植物防护与工程防护相结合的研究。
On the basis of the development of the reinforcement in this decade and referring to a boiler framework of power plant engineering applications, the dissertation gives systematic analysis and rather deeply theoretical on the reinforcing technology of the building structure. 本文在近十多年来加固技术发展的基础上,结合某电厂锅炉构架工程实际,对锅炉钢结构的节点选型因素和加固技术进行了系统的分析和较为深入的理论探讨。
Introduction of grey prediction into the plant engineering could enrich the basic theory of condition monitoring and fault diagnostic technique, so as to promote the development of this discipline towards a higher level and a wider application prospect. 灰色预测法的引进,丰富了设备状态监测与故障诊断技术学科的基础理论,推动了该学科向更高水平发展,预示了该学具有更广阔的应用前景。
The second chapter has studied total life-cycle of equipment and the plant engineering. 第二章研究了设备及设备工程全寿命周期。
The fourth chapter has researched and proposed consultants service theoretical system framework facing the plant engineering. 第四章研究提出了面向设备工程项目实施监理服务需要的知识体系框架。
Based on analyzing the cost relations between formation and operation process of equipment and the plant engineering, the equipment total life cycle cost model is bulit and the cost optimized mathematical model and management requirements are proposed. 在分析设备及设备工程形成及运行使用过程之间费用关系的基础提出了设备全寿命周期费用模型并提出了费用优化的数学模型及管理要求。
The fifth chapter has researched and analyzed the plant engineering goal characteristic and the design appraisal principle, the flow, proposed the general mathematical model of the plant engineering goal control principle based on the mathematical statistic and the operations research. 第五章研究分析了设备工程目标的特性及设计评价原则、流程,提出了设备工程目标控制的原理及基于数理统计、运筹学的一般数学模型。
The polysilicon industry in China is in rapid growth and polysilicon plant engineering market is in the ascendant. 国内多晶硅产业正处在一个快速增长周期,多晶硅工厂的设计市场方兴未艾。